Want to give your child a "higher" education?
Send them to your living room and teach them about money!
Welcome to our page!
We're The Money Doctor® Kids and we teach entire families how to make their money grow.
We also know this to be TRUE:
The family that pays together,
SAVE$ together!!!
We’ll show you how to do it.
Do your kids think like consumers or producers (entrepreneurs)?
It might seem daunting and like even more to teach, but I can show you how to create mini-entrepreneurs and right at home.
Sure, it would be great if they taught it in school, but the "teachable moments" are all around us whether at home or out doing business.
Want to know more? Read on!
The Family Finance Fun! Course
This 10-lesson "family" class is designed to keep "money on everyone's mind" - especially making it and holding onto it.
(next course open Summer 2022)